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Results 1 - 10 of 394 (page 1 of 40)
An Amish market : four novellas / Amy Clipston, Kathleen Fuller, Kelly Irvin, Vannetta Chapman.
Lancaster county secrets : 3-in-1 collection / Suzanne Woods Fisher.
The choice : a novel / Suzanne Woods Fisher.
Safely home / Randy Alcorn.
A claim of her own / Stephanie Grace Whitson.
An Amish kitchen / Kelly Long, Amy Clipston, Beth Wiseman.
The healer's heart [book] / Diane M. Komp.
The tender years [electronic resource] / Janette Oke.
'Round the corner [book] / Vonette Bright & Nancy Moser.
Of Rags and Riches : romance collection ; nine stories of poverty and opulence during the Gilded Age / Michelle Griep, Erica Vetsch, Susanne Dietze, Anne Love, Gabrielle Meyer, Natalie Monk, Jennifer Uhlarik, Jame Jo Wright, Kathleen Y'Barbo.

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